B l u e M o r p h o


BlueMorpho Turqoise II, acrylic on canvas, 130 x 95 cm. 2018


"In Roura's work, painting develops within itself. It is inside where actions, gestures, and different pictorial moments take action. Possibly it is not a coincidence that the work of painting "from within" the resulting forms refer us to microscopic views that at molecular level also show us the respective internal structures of the elements in question. Thus, Roura's work reflects in a certain way on the composition and structure of the painting itself".

Joan Saló Armengol



Blaue Refraktion. Acrylic on canvas. 60 x 50 cm. 2018



Blue Morpho Scale II. Acrylic on canvas. 100 x 80 cm. 2018


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Blue Morpho Deep Scale. Acrylic on canvas. 195 x 140 cm. 2017


Blue Morpho Cobalt. Acrylic on canvas. 165 x 125 cm. 2017



Blue Morpho. Acrylic on canvas. 100 x 80 cm. 2016



Blue Morpho Turqoise. Acrylic on canvas. 100 x 80 cm. 2016


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