U n t e r w e g s

Varanasi. Acrylic on Dibond. 130 x 100 cm. 2022
"what is markedly obvious in his paintings is that patience, that zeal to create a contemporary form of beauty, the will to show the density of the layers of colour. Working with painting from within, giving us beautiful traces, allegorizing paths where he sediments a vital experience".
Fernando Castro Flórez

Elephanta. Acrylic on Dibond. 75 x 60 cm. 2021
Solo show at Modus Operandi Gallery, Madrid 2021.

Unterwegs. Acrylic on Dibond. 130 x 100 cm. 2020

Untitled. Acrylic on Dibond. 50 x 40 cm. 2021

Juhu. Acrylic on Dibond. 100 x 75 cm. 2021

Untitled. Acrylic on Dibond. 50 x 40 cm. 2021
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